
Veterans 10% 学费 Discount

线上澳博很自豪地表彰那些积极服务的人,线上澳博的退伍军人和他们的家人. 线上澳博为退伍军人的配偶和受抚养的孩子提供10%的学费折扣. Excludes 100% Chapter 33 and Chapter 31 recipients. 
Proof of Military Status Required: 线上澳博接受LES(休假和收入表-现役服务)或DD214副本(退伍军人).


VA 在线 Application system

Covered Programs

Chapter 30 Montgomery G.I. 比尔® – Active Duty

Provides up to 36 months of educational benefits. To be eligible, students must have received an Honorable discharge.



Chapter 33 Post 9/11 G.I. 比尔®

9月10日之后服役至少90天的个人, 2001, are generally eligible. Students eligible for this benefit receive a percentage for tuition, 费用, monthly housing allowance, and book stipend based on their aggregate active duty. 


如果退伍军人在服役期间死亡,其子女或配偶可能有资格获得援助, 由于服役相关的情况而成为永久和完全残疾, has died of a service-related disability, or is listed as a prisoner of war or missing in action. Please be advised that this entitlement does not pay for tuition.

Chapter 1606 Montgomery G.I. 比尔® – Selected Reserve

Individuals who have committed for six years to the Army Reserve, 海军储备, Air Force Reserve, 海军陆战队 Reserve, 海岸警卫队 Reserve, Army 国民警卫队, 和空军国民警卫队,并已圆满完成选定的预备役训练可能符合资格. 

Checklist for Getting Benefits

  1. 在线申请. 完成 VONAPP application for education benefits.
  2. 退伍军人事务部将处理您的申请,并将资格证明转发给退伍军人学生. 这封信将显示福利的百分比和划界日期.
  3. 将资格证书提交给您的学校认证官员(SCO) 废话Greathree.
  4. Enroll in classes.
  5. 完成 Columbia College form: Benefits Request Form
  6. 完成 Columbia College Student Information Request
  7. 注册信息将报告给VA,并将付款发给VA.
  8. To follow up on payment status or find out where your payment is, please call the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551.

上海合作组织只有在您完成申请流程并注册课程后才能证明您的入学. 你只能注册在你选择的专业/课程中获得毕业学分的课程.

Federal 学费 Assistance

1. Complete Forms Required by Your Branch


  • 军: GoArmyEd注册课程并申请学费援助.
  • 空军: 通过UMGC注册,然后通过空军虚拟教育中心申请学费援助.
  • 海岸警卫队, Navy, or 海军陆战队: Contact your Education Center to request a tuition assistance form.

2. Send Your Forms to Us

一旦你有了由你的教育协调员签署的学费援助表格, 在注册时使用以下程序提交:

  1. 完成 Student Information Sheet
  2. 通过电子邮件发送您的学费援助表格并填写学生信息表至 CCVA@88youxiluntan.com

Please allow 48 hours for your student account to be updated. 在你的学费援助表格被张贴到你的学生账户之后, the amount assumed by the agency is deferred to the agency account. No exchange of money has taken place at this time. 哥伦比亚大学保留将所有未付学费补助发票退回到您的学生账户的权利. You are ultimately responsible for all charges.

在规定的学期(秋季)内未收到的学费援助表格, 春天, or summer) will not be posted. Exceptions will be made for deployed soldiers or corrections.

如果你正在使用学费援助,并在完成课程的60%之前退出课程, 根据国防部的规定,你可能需要支付一部分学费.

For more information, 联系你的军事分支机构,详细了解你的资格和分支机构提交学费援助表格的过程.


南卡罗来纳州国民警卫队大学援助计划(SCNG CAP)

那些在陆军国民警卫队或空军国民警卫队希望获得这些福利必须 submit an application. 学生每年可以获得高达4500美元的大学学费援助.

How to Use Your Benefits


如果你打算在哥伦比亚大学就读期间利用退伍军人管理局的福利, you will need to do the following as a first-time applicant:

  1. 应用 for benefits. 请记住,VA通常需要大约六到八周的时间来审查你的申请.
  2. 如果获得福利批准,学生将获得资格证书(COE)。. A copy of the VA COE needs to be sent to CCVA@88youxiluntan.com or faxed to 803-786-3646.
  3. 如果学生从其他机构转学到线上澳博app,并利用了福利, 学生必须通过VA提交课程或培训地点变更表 VA 在线 Application system. 参加第30,33,或1606章的学生必须提交表格VA 22-1995. Students enrolled in chapter 35 must submit form VA 22-5495. A PDF copy of the submission confirmation must be sent to CCVA@88youxiluntan.com.
  4. Once enrolled with Columbia College and registered for classes, students must fill out a Request to be Certified form located on Koala Connection. This form needs to be submitted at the beginning of each semester. 

Returning Students

每学期, 返回的学生必须提交位于考拉连接的申请认证表格. Certifications will not be submitted automatically, 学生有责任及时提交相应的表格.

Adding/Changing Majors

If you are adding or changing a major to your record, 你必须向退伍军人事务部提交项目变更或培训地点变更表. This can be done electronically through the VA 在线 Application system. 参加第30,33,或1606章的学生必须提交表格VA 22-1995. Students enrolled in chapter 35 must submit form VA 22-5495. A PDF copy of the submission confirmation must be sent to CCVA@88youxiluntan.com.

More 金融援助 Options

来自不同背景和经济状况的学生可以获得额外的经济援助计划和选择. Explore your options, and reach out if you need help.

We're Here to Help

Have questions about Veteran's Benefits? Meet our VA School Certifying Official, 废话Greathree,  她负责准备并向退伍军人事务部提交所有证书, helps students exploring these benefits, 并对所有获得福利的学生保持至少三年的记录. Reach out today—she's eager to help!

电话: 803.786.3671
电子邮件: CCVA@88youxiluntan.com